If theres anyone still out there…


For anyone actually still paying attention to this blog, apologies for not having written anything in AGES. I don’t really have an excuse other than I’ve actually been doing stuff, rather than sitting on my arse at my family home all day eating.

Continue reading “If theres anyone still out there…”

S-wheat Jesus, I’ve missed bread

Bread & wheat!! It really is true that you don’t know what you’ve got till its gone.

After weeks of “naked burgers” (which I’m assured is just a fancy way of saying burgers with no bun) and alternatives to regular bread, I’m finally allowed white bread again, and I’m testing brown bread just for good measure.

This has also opened up a whole new world of snacks and cakes, yeah I’m talking Yum Yums, Fondant Fancies & Jam Sandwich Creams which I have been stuffing myself with for 4 days now, in the interest of testing of course…

Continue reading “S-wheat Jesus, I’ve missed bread”

LOFFLEX? What the hell is a LOFFLEX?

Ok, this one is a bit of an education piece on the LOFFLEX diet so it might be a bit boring. You’ve had your warning, skip it if you don’t care but I thought it was a good idea because I’m going to be jabbering on about it for MONTHS.

I’ve found the first thing people say after you tell them you have Crohn’s (after either looking confused or standard sympathy noises) is “Doesn’t that mean you cant eat some foods?” Continue reading “LOFFLEX? What the hell is a LOFFLEX?”

Wait, wait, wait… Weight

So with the Crohns symptoms relatively under control (no more detail needed, but frequency is key and frequency is down at the moment) and the dietician confirming that once I get home I’m all systems go on LOFFLEX, there is just one more thing thats needed to get me back to relatively normal. My weight. Continue reading “Wait, wait, wait… Weight”

Everybody get lo, lo, lo, LOFFLEX

I never saw a dietician during my first hospital stay, and that definitely played a part in not only why I was re-admitted, but also my ignorance around how important food is to this disease. I kinda just assumed I could carry on as I was so did when I went home. I think my first dinner out of hospital was a LOT of Pizza Hut…

WRONG!!! OHHH BOY WAS I WRONG. Continue reading “Everybody get lo, lo, lo, LOFFLEX”