If theres anyone still out there…


For anyone actually still paying attention to this blog, apologies for not having written anything in AGES. I don’t really have an excuse other than I’ve actually been doing stuff, rather than sitting on my arse at my family home all day eating.

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S-wheat Jesus, I’ve missed bread

Bread & wheat!! It really is true that you don’t know what you’ve got till its gone.

After weeks of “naked burgers” (which I’m assured is just a fancy way of saying burgers with no bun) and alternatives to regular bread, I’m finally allowed white bread again, and I’m testing brown bread just for good measure.

This has also opened up a whole new world of snacks and cakes, yeah I’m talking Yum Yums, Fondant Fancies & Jam Sandwich Creams which I have been stuffing myself with for 4 days now, in the interest of testing of course…

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The good, the bad, and the potato

During my time in hospital, I’ve found that Nurses and the Healthcare Support staff are generally excellent. I really mean it, these people make all the difference and are a credit to their professions. Some of them strike just the right balance of friendly, supporting and capable while working incredibly hard under extremely stressful circumstances. Continue reading “The good, the bad, and the potato”

What NOT to say

I know I’m in here for my own benefit, and that its the best place for me right now (blah blah blah), but as my stay in hospital hopefully nears its end I have kinda been getting cabin fever. Case and point, I went to pick up some toilet paper the other day and immediately thought “Ohhh this isn’t good! This one must have got wet or something because its gone all fluffy”… It was normal Andrex that my mum had brought in. I actually forgot what normal toilet paper felt like. Get me out of here! Continue reading “What NOT to say”

Bro… I’m so swoll

When they start you on steroids and fluids they always mention the throwaway line “oh these things will cause some swelling”…PAH what an understatement!!!

Im sure its just because of the amount of these things in my system (5 weeks of both by this point) but the most traumatic and painful night of my hospital stay was down to some intense swelling.

It starts off small, normally with jokes about cankles from my Dad or just having a puffy face and hands.

Continue reading “Bro… I’m so swoll”

How the hell did we get here?

After 25 years of living like a man-child with my parents and siblings, I decided to start my adult life out and move out of the family home. Despite my Mum’s heartfelt but not totally serious (probably just 90% serious) pleas for me to stay with her forever and ever, my entire family came and moved me in to my new, shiny flat. A month in, my 26th birthday was the perfect excuse to throw a party but I’d not been feeling too great (more on that in a sec) and with the big party coming up, I decided to be an actual grown up and book my own doctors appointment.

Continue reading “How the hell did we get here?”