So, its been over a week since I was discharged from hospital, and I suppose its high time for an update!

Medically: Everything is going well. I was sent packing with a HUUUUUGE bag-o-drugs last Friday so I’ve sorted them into my old lady pillbox as seen below.

The doctors still wanted to monitor me regularly, which does mean I do have to go up to the hospital every other day to have someone take blood for the next week and a half. This can be a massive pain in the arse if its busy (5 hours waiting on Sunday) or completely fine (20 minutes in and out 2 days later). Most importantly, I feel a lot better and so far nothing I’ve tried to eat has caused a bad reaction, so its all going according to plan…for now.

: Speaking of which, everything is also going well! I’ve had SO many more foods in the past week since leaving hospital. Even on the basic LOFFLEX diet I’m getting some awesome meals including a roast dinner, fish pie and curry. This is 100% thanks to my mums fantastic cooking, and love of a challenge to replace ingredients I cant have. She’s even managed to find a way around not having yeast and baked a (dense, but lovely with jam) version of soda bread so I can have toast in the morning. The tricky thing with being on LOFFLEX is while it can be tasty and good for my intestines etc, the whole point of it is to be low-fat. This isn’t great when you REALLY have to put some weight back on so I just have to consume a lot of “diet-approved” snacks to boost my calories to roughly 2800 a day. I start the re-introduction stage of the diet on Monday which means testing a new food every 4 days, starting with eggs (OH GOD I CANT WAIT FOR EGGS), which you can tell is stupidly exciting to me right now.
Bottom line, the food situation is now a LOT better than it was a week ago.

Not sure what to call this bit to be honest:
When I was in hospital I kinda pictured when I got out my days would be filled with activities and adventure. This included my mum teaching me how to cook all my meals, working my tiny muscles as much as possible to build strength back, and casually popping out with my mates for a catch up over a coffee.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love being home I really do, but its not quite been like that.
More realistically I’ve been sat on the sofa all day reading, playing Playstation & building Lego. Instead of activities I’m obsessed with how many calories are in the food people bring to me, my muscles get tired from just going up a flight of stairs so there wont be any “working out”, and even if I did have the strength to go out and meet anyone I cant have coffee or any other interesting drinks for a while anyway so thats out the window.
The other slightly annoying thing about being back in a normal environment is that I feel more normal, and while this sounds like a good thing what it really means is I complain about all the food in the house I cant eat yet (damn re-introduction). Mini rolls are a particular craving at the moment, and with all the football-themed ad’s on TV ahead of the Euros I could really go for a pint in a beer garden. Alas, both chocolate and beer are over 2 months away.

I know I’ve only been out a week and its a bit premature to be complaining about my own lack of adventure. I’ll get to the stage where I’m back to normal and can do all the things I want, it just takes a lot of time.


For now however I’m happy on the sofa with “This Morning” on TV and a 3000 piece Lego truck to keep me company!

2 thoughts on “Home sweet home

  1. So glad to hear you’re home! Your LOFFLEX treats look delicious 🙂 You’ll be having a beer in the garden in no time – getting out of the ward is the first battle won! Loving your blog, Bryony x


    1. Thanks Bryony! Gotta love my mum for figuring out that the right colour Jelly Babies and Maoam’s are ok! Yeah exactly, I’m outside now so halfway there. Was good to read your update the other day too, hope it all keeps going so well 🙂

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